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$15 or $55 – Can we really taste a difference?

$15 or $55 – Can we really taste a difference? Well most times not. At best any quality improvement between a $15 bottle and a $55 one is marginal. Oft-times there isn’t any at all. And many times the cheaper wine tastes better.

Just something to keep in mind when that next bottle is chosen. Remember – people don’t drink the label nor the price tag. It’s what’s in the glass that counts.

And it certainly does at Glug.

Many of the small batch wines we bottle and sell for $20 or less are from Barossa boutique makers where their price is $50 or more.

They find it the best way to maximize their profits.

We find it a great way to offer value-for-money.

Look for the Glug label wines on our list

The same wine with different labels
The result of sourcing the extra barrels that the makers had left after their own bottlings.

They are proof that “$15 or $55 – Can we really taste a difference?” Most times not.

And another interesting view that dearer wine does not mean better wine comes from John Cleese who once invited a group of his friends over for a wine tasting. He found that his guests could not distinguish the wine from a $5 bottle of wine from a $200 bottle or from a $20 bottle. And for good measure they could not reliably tell a white wine from a red in a blind taste test.

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