Light & Finniss

Colonel William Light, as Surveyor General arrived in the waters off South Australia in August 1836 His instructions were clear. He was to survey an uncharted coastline and select the site of the capital, Adelaide. He divided his surveyors into two teams; one led by Boyle Travis Finniss the other by Light’s deputy, George Strickland Kingston.

Colonel William Light
Colonel William Light – a self portrait
Boyle Travis Finniss
Boyle Travis Finniss

The first settlers arrived in early November, 1836 and the Governor of the new British province of South Australia, on the 28th December. The decision of where to locate the capital was not made until the 31st December. The town survey was finished on 10th March, 1837.

On the 12th December, 1837 Light began a most famous journey which led to the discovery of the Barossa Valley, the North Para River and the surrounding ranges over the 14th and 15th December. Following a long period of ‘officious obstruction’ Light resigned as Surveyor General and with Finniss established a private land
agency and surveying company on July 3rd 1838.

Proof that the Barrossa can make whites
A blend from the Adelaidean regions
A blend from the Adelaidean regions
Langhorne Creek Shiraz
Langhorne Creek Shiraz

Full list of Light & Finniss vintages

Details of other Glug brands are at Glug Wines.